Just Tyres

Just Tyres Discount Code 2025

Updated 14th February 2025

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222 Ratings. Average 5 out of 5 stars

Active Just Tyres Discount and Promo Codes valid for 2025

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Use the code and get 5% off your order at Just Tyres.

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How do I use my Just Tyres discount code?

  • Copy a code from Love Discount Vouchers and follow the link to the Just Tyres website
  • Here you can begin shopping and add any products you want to your bag
  • Once you’re finished you can checkout
  • You’ll then be taken to the shopping bag page where you can paste your code to apply the discount
  • Add your Promo/Voucher/Discount Code to the box labelled "Discount Code" and click ‘Apply Discount’
  • You can then ‘checkout’ and continue with the payment process
How do I use my Just Tyres discount code?

Just Tyres Money Saving Hints And Tips

Here are some great tips & tricks for extra savings at Just Tyres:

  • Always visit and check Love Discount Vouchers for the latest money-saving discount codes and deals at Just Tyres before you finish your purchase
  • Join the Just Tyres newsletter to get the best offers, money-saving promotions and exclusive deals sent straight to your inbox
  • Be sure to check out the sale offers and discount section on the Just Tyres website for the latest promotions and discount offers
  • Follow Just Tyres on social media to stay updated with their new arrivals and offers.
  • Sign up to Love Discount Vouchers newsletter for our latest weekly offers for brands like Just Tyres and many more.

Just Tyres FAQs

What are Just Tyres payment methods?

Just Tyres accepts all major types of Debit and Credit Cards.

Does Just Tyres ships its products Worldwide?

No, Just Tyres ships only in the UK.

What is your product's warranty?

Your tyres have been manufactured to the highest standards and their confidence in the product allows them to extend a 5-year warranty on your purchase and they are warranted against manufacturing defects for 5 years from the date of purchase. In order to validate the 5-year warranty you simply need to keep your original invoice for proof of purchase and book an appointment at your local Just Tyres Centre for the six-monthly checks to be carried out where their friendly staff will complete the details on your warranty certificate.

How often should my tyres be checked?

Just Tyres believe that tyres should be checked once a month and before any long journey. This should include the tyre pressures along with a visual check of the tyre condition and the tyre tread depth. If you identify anything that causes you concern, pop into your local Just Tyres and they’ll be happy to advise you for free. Don’t forget to check your spare tyre if you have one.

What is the legal limit for tyre tread?

The legal limit for car and van tyres is 1.6mm of tread across the central three-quarters of the tyre around its whole circumference. If any tyres are found to be illegal you could be fined up to £2,500 and have 3 penalty points awarded for each illegal tyre.

Just Tyres Contact Details


+44 845 456 9903



Discover Just Tyres discount codes

Just Tyres are enthusiastic about tyres, offering great value prices and exceptional service excellence. Just Tyres is an autonomous tyre supplier. Independent means just that, unlike many other retailers they are not owned or operated by a tyre manufacturer, leaving them free to offer an honest opinion on which tyres the best suit your needs, because they are independent they are able to stock a wide range of tyres.

Just Tyres pride themselves on the knowledge and passion that each of their carefully recruited team possesses. Just Tyres realise that their success is dependent upon their customers’ satisfaction which is why they invest in their team and premises and take action on customer feedback.

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    How do I use my Just Tyres discount code?
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    Just Tyres Money Saving Hints And Tips
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    Just Tyres FAQs
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Find out more

  • How do I use my Just Tyres discount code?
  • Just Tyres Money Saving Hints And Tips
  • Just Tyres FAQs
  • Just Tyres Contact Details

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