
Omaze Promo Codes

Updated 1st January 2025

Omaze Discount Code Rating

206 Ratings. Average 5 out of 5 stars

Active Omaze Promo and Discount Codes valid for 2024

All codes are hand-tested by our team so you get the most up-to-date Omaze valid discount codes.

Terms apply.

  • All (5)
  • Deals (4)

Get Β£250 off 640 entries per month at Omaze.

Last used 2 minutes ago

Get Β£95 off 200 entries per month at Omaze.

Last used 7 minutes ago

Get Β£30 off 60 entries per month at Omaze.

Last used 8 hours ago

Win Beautiful House in Yorkshire While Supporting Mencap at Omaze.

Last used 11 minutes ago

Sign up to the newsletter for special offers and promotions at Omaze.

Last used 2 minutes ago
  • 113 people have used this

Still looking for more savings?

Do you want to find similar Omaze codes at other brands? Find lots of other offers from fantastic retailers on our site. Explore homeware discounts and other offers and deals.

FAQs about our Omaze promo codes

How to use my Omaze discount codes

Step 1: Find a deal at Love Discount Vouchers

You first need to find an Omaze promo code that suits your money-saving needs and then click on β€œGet Code.”

Step 2: Make an entry

The previous step will direct you to Omaze’s website where you can now decide to either make a one-time purchase or subscribe and pay for entries every month.

Step 3: Apply your Omaze coupon code

Once you have selected your choice, it will take you to the shopping cart, click on "checkout" to find where to enter your code.

Pros and cons of using a discount code


  • It felt good bidding on something that I might win when the money goes towards a good cause, plus when I use a discount code then it's cheaper to enter.
    Submitted by Stephan
  • Wanted to try my luck at winning so I made sure to use a Omaze promo code from Love Discount Vouchers before I made an entry at Omaze.
    Submitted by Sam W
  • I love donating to charities and that is why I keep coming back to Love Discount Vouchers to see if there are deals that I can use to make an entry at Omaze.
    Submitted by Rowena


  • I can't use a Omaze coupon code more than once.
    Submitted by Katherine

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people found this helpful

206 Ratings. Average 5 out of 5 stars

The best of Omaze

Who doesn’t love trying to win prizes? Omaze gives you the chance not only to try and win great prizes, but also to donate to a good cause while you are at it. Omaze, lets you enter their places on auction and support meaningful causes by donating your entry money to help fun charities.

Use an Omaze discount code in order to try and win a valuable experince whether it is a dream vacation, tickets to an event, or even unique items that you would never dream of owning.

Omaze prize promo codes and savings

With all the exciting prizes that Omaze offers, they help inspire people to not only donate but also to do it in a way where they can have fun while doing it. Bringing to light all the important social causes that people suffer gives insight to their customers to keep donating even when they don’t win. Join in the fun of winning a prize at an affordable price when you use a promo code.

Omaze's choice of donation codes and savings

At Omaze you can actually decide where you would like your entry money to be donated to. Omaze helps charities involved in health sectors, education, and environmental protection. This allows you to give back to the world and hopefully get some good karma in order to get something back such as the prize that you might win. Donate to a charity of your choice and get a discount when you use a code in order to save money when buying tickets.

Omaze seasonal savings

Omaze gets very busy during the seasonal months and that is because that should be a time of giving and helping those in need. Their seasonal campaign usually has limited-time prizes up for grabs that are ten times better to what they usually have. When you use a code or grab an offer, you are able to save money during the seasonal period, but you are also able to give to those that are less fortunate during that time.

Discover Omaze active promo codes

Amy Chauke

Amy Chauke

Omaze Promo Code Manager

Here at Love Discount Vouchers, we work day and night in order to supply you with the best Omaze coupon codes that you can find all in one place to save money. When you use a deal and discount from us, you will be able to save more money than you would've expected to spend.

Omaze provides you with the chance to win a house and donates the entry money to charities that they are affiliated with. All you need to do is purchase tickets to join in on the fun of donating to charity and getting the chance to win a prize.

Top Tip straight from Amy Chauke:

Make sure to keep up to date with all the new Omaze codes by making sure to sign up to Love Discount Vouchers newsletter.

More about Amy Chauke

Omaze Page Updates

  1. Love Discount Vouchers Writer updated helpful information
    FAQs about our Omaze promo codes
  2. Love Discount Vouchers Writer updated helpful information
    How to use my Omaze discount codes
  3. Love Discount Vouchers Writer updated helpful information
    Pros and cons of using a discount code
  4. Love Discount Vouchers Writer updated helpful information
    The best of Omaze
  5. Love Discount Vouchers Writer created helpful information
    FAQs about our Omaze promo codes
  6. Love Discount Vouchers Writer created helpful information
    How to use my Omaze discount codes
  7. Love Discount Vouchers Writer created helpful information
    Pros and cons of using a discount code
  8. Love Discount Vouchers Writer created helpful information
    The best of Omaze
  9. Joe added an offer
    Β£250 Off 640 Entries Per Month at Omaze
  10. Joe added an offer
    Β£95 Off 200 Entries Per Month at Omaze
  11. Joe added an offer
    Β£30 Off 60 Entries Per Month at Omaze
  12. Joe added an offer
    Win Beautiful House in Yorkshire While Supporting Mencap at Omaze
  13. Team Member added an offer
    Sign Up To The Newsletter For Special Offers and Promotions at Omaze

Find out more

  • FAQs about our Omaze promo codes
  • How to use my Omaze discount codes
  • Pros and cons of using a discount code
  • The best of Omaze

Today's Top Omaze Discount Codes

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How do Love Discount Vouchers operate discount codes for free?

To ensure we can keep our free service running, we partner with thousands of brands to take a small commission on every purchase driven by Love Discount Vouchers.

Our promo codes are entirely free to use, which might seem surprising. By forming commission-based relationships with brands and retailers we generate revenue. This business model allows us to operate without charging our users any fees for the use of our coupon codes.

Find out more about how we keep Love Discount Vouchers free to use

How we find discounts

When you visit Love Discount Vouchers you can rest assured that our team has searched high and low to find all available Omaze promo codes. We find codes by going straight to the source, building close relationships with the very best retailers and negotiating the best deals and exclusive discounts.

We also check a variety of other platforms so you don’t have to such as Omaze social accounts, like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, visiting blogs and forums related to Omaze, and even checking other top deal sites for the latest Omaze discount codes. We also discover links via our very helpful community who submit codes to us.

When shopping online at Omaze, it is a good idea to always visit us here at Love Discount Vouchers before you finish your order. The Love Discount Vouchers team save our visitors thousands of pounds every month. Some users never even knew Omazediscount codes were available until visiting our site. Now that you know how easy it is to save at Omaze with our promo and discount codes, bookmark or favourite Omaze above and always check us out before you checkout.

Discover more about how we find codes

Omaze Information

Omaze FAQs

Disclaimer: Love Discount Vouchers is a platform for deals, discounts, and vouchers. By using our links, you might save on your purchases. Please be aware that when you use our links and subsequently make a purchase, we may receive a commission.