
AbeBooks Discount Code 2025

Updated 15th January 2025

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How Do I Use My AbeBooks Voucher Code

If you’re looking for a discount on your online purchase at AbeBooks then you’ve come to the right place. All you have to do is follow the steps below to save money on your next travel, language study, history, children’s or fiction books. There is always a sale or discount available at AbeBooks to be redeemed, and it is our job here at Love Discount Vouchers to provide you with these amazing discount codes.

Step 1: Choose a Voucher Code from the ones listed above

Choose the Voucher Code from above that you’d like to redeem and it will reveal itself. For example, if you’re looking for 10% off orders at AbeBooks then find the Voucher above, and click on "Get Code" to reveal the code.

Step 2: Copy your Voucher Code

Simply copy the code that is presented to you. You need this code in order to inform AbeBooks to remove part of the cost of your total order.

Step 3: Click on 'Go to the AbeBooks site'

After you click, you will be directed to AbeBooks.

Step 4: Start Shopping!

Find the textbook, cooking book or fine art and collectables you’d like to purchase at AbeBooks and add them to your cart.

Step 5: Make your purchase!

When you are ready to buy your items, go to Cart in the top right-hand corner. You can now start to make your purchase by clicking on 'CHECKOUT'. You will need to either sign in or create an account.

Step 6: Enter the code at the AbeBooks checkout

Now that you have the code copied, simply paste it into the β€œVoucher Code” label at the checkout. Check out the image provided below for an example in case you have any difficulty. If you’re on a computer or laptop, then you will usually find the Voucher Code box to the left of the checkout page.

AbeBooks Voucher Code

However, if you’re on a mobile then it is just as easy to find the Voucher Code box you need. It is usually present on the checkout form.

Step 7: Enjoy!

Your discount will be applied and items will arrive in the post in just a few days, happy shopping!

Always note: There are terms and conditions associated with certain codes which you must comply with (like applying a code after meeting a maximum amount of money spent) and you cannot apply a code after submitting your order.

Extra Things You Need To Know About Using AbeBooks’s Promo Code

Why is my AbeBooks Promo Code not working?

There are several reasons why your AbeBooks code might not be working:

  • The AbeBooks code you are using might have expired.
  • You might be applying the AbeBooks code to certain items that do not accept discount codes, like sale items.
  • You have already used this same code when shopping before at AbeBooks.
  • You have not spent the minimum amount of money. Sometimes in order to apply a AbeBooks code, you have to spend a certain amount of money, and that might be the reason why the code is not working.
  • You have taken the AbeBooks code from an international deals site, which probably doesn't apply to AbeBooks.
If you ever find that one of our AbeBooks codes here at Love Discount Vouchers to be not working, please let us know and we'll make sure to fix the problem!

What Payment Methods Do AbeBooks Accept?

AbeBooks accepts and processes the following payment methods:

  • Visa
  • MasterCard
  • American Express
  • JCB
If you’re paying a bookseller directly, some accept PayPal.

Do AbeBooks Offer A Buy Now Pay Later Option?

Based on our research, it appears that AbeBooks does not offer any buy now, pay later options currently. You can contact AbeBooks to see if there have been any updates or changes. You can also visit AbeBooks’s homepage to see if they have posted any updated information about buy now, pay later support.

AbeBooks Money Saving Hints And Tips.

Here are some great tips & tricks for extra savings at AbeBooks:

  • Purchase books that offer free shipping.
  • Contact the seller directly and inquire about a discount if you are purchasing multiple items.
  • Always check Love Discount Vouchers for the latest money-saving discount codes and deals at AbeBooks before you finish your purchase.
  • Be sure to check out any sale, offers or discount sections on the AbeBooks website to find any promotions or discount offers.
  • Follow AbeBooks on social media to stay updated with any new arrivals or offers.

Reasons To Shop At AbeBooks

  • Rare books and collectables.
  • Easy to navigate website.
  • A socially responsible company.
  • Gift cards.
  • Easy returns.

Shop for Art and Collectables

AbeBooks offers a vast selection of fine art and collectables from comics, photographs, sheet music, vintage posters, and more. Here are a few AbeBooks categories to shop by:

Vinyl Collectables

Whether you are a seasoned listener with an enviable collection or are new to the world of vinyl, you will love the AbeBooks selection of rare records.

AbeBooks Vinyl Collectables

Vintage photographs of animals

Whether you’re a historian or a devotee to history and evolution, you’ll get lost in never seen before vintage photographs.

AbeBooks Vintage Photographs

Collectable editions of The New Yorker Magazine

If you’re a fan of journalism, commentary, criticism, essays, fiction, satire, cartoons, and poetry, you’ll love The New Yorker Magazine. If you love The New Yorker Magazine, you’ll love these vintage editions.

AbeBooks The New Yorker

AbeBooks Shipping & Delivery: What Do I Need To Know?

  • There is no set shipping rate or speed. AbeBooks connects you with independent booksellers around the world, and those sellers ship directly to their customers.
  • Each bookseller sets their shipping rates and speeds for the books, they are offering.
  • Sellers also decide on the method of shipment.
  • For these reasons, shipping costs and delivery speeds vary between sellers.
  • Shipping costs also do not include taxes or duties for cross-border shipments; buyers are responsible for these costs.
  • The shipping price is displayed below the book price.
  • To update the shipping details for the destination of your book, click on β€œDestination, Rates, Speeds” within that particular listing, and a window will open displaying the shipping speeds and the rates offered by that seller. Follow the instructions to adjust the destination.
  • You can use the AbeBooks β€œFree Shipping Page” to find books without shipping charges.
  • Some sellers offer a shipping discount on orders for multiple books.

AbeBooks Returns and Refunds: What Do I Need To Know?

If for any reason you wish to return your book, here is what you need to know about AbeBooks Returns and Refunds process:

  • If youβ€²re dissatisfied with your purchase due to an error on the booksellerβ€²s part or if the book doesnβ€²t arrive, you are eligible for a refund within 30-days of your orderβ€²s estimated delivery date
  • Most booksellers also accept returns if you change your mind and no longer want or need the book, but they are not required to do so.
  • Regardless of the reason, you must return the book to the seller to complete the process and receive the refund. (Does not apply to β€˜item did not arrive’.)
  • If you are dissatisfied with your purchase for any reason but still wish to keep the book, you can negotiate a partial refund with the bookseller for an amount that is agreeable to both parties. Partial refunds can be on the book price, the shipping amount, or both. However, the bookseller is not obligated to provide one.
To initiate a refund or return, follow the guide below:
  • Initiate a Refund/Return on your AbeBooks account in the β€œView My Purchases” page by selecting the relevant book/books.
  • After initiating a Return, you will receive a β€˜Return Requested’ confirmation email that will include the booksellerβ€²s return address. You can now return the book to the seller by your preferred shipping method, ideally with tracking.
  • When returning a book, the seller must receive the book within 28-days of your return request when the seller is in the same country as you.
  • The seller must receive the book within 77-days when they are in another country.
  • If the seller does not receive the book within these time frames, you will need to provide tracking information. Failure to provide these will result in the cancellation of the refund request.
  • Package the book carefully to avoid damage in transit. You may re-use the original packaging if adequately re-sealed, and the original β€˜To’ and β€˜Return’ addresses can be covered or replaced.
  • Step 3: Enter Tracking Details(if applicable) on your AbeBooks account and click β€œsave”.

AbeBooks FAQs

Placing an order?

AbeBooks does not accept orders by telephone or mail. Customers can create a AbeBooks account and sign in to start searching for books. Books can easily be added to their basket and place the order by completing the checkout process.

What is a AbeBooks Want list?

Books that are currently unavailable on AbeBooks can be saved to a AbeBooks Want list. Once saved, AbeBooks will send an email as soon as a matching copy is available for sale.

I made a mistake on my order. What can I do?

Changes can be made to unconfirmed orders through the AbeBooks system by cancelling the order and placing a new one. However, changes to confirmed orders can only be made by contacting the seller directly. Orders that have shipped can only be returned upon arrival.

How can I get an invoice or receipt for my order?

Customers can print an invoice for their order from the Members Menu, once the order is processed. To print an invoice:

  • Sign into AbeBooks account with your email address and password.
  • Click β€œView my purchases” from the Members Menu.
  • Click β€œPrintable order summary” next to the applicable order.
  • Click your browser’s print button.

How does Buyback work?

AbeBooks has partnered with TextbooksRus.com to offer a quick and convenient buyback service for books. Enter the ISBNs of the books ready to sell on the AbeBooks website and find out how much they are offering for them. Buyback is available to USA, Canada, and UK residents. AbeBooks buys back more than 1,000,000 titles, including textbooks, trade books, bestsellers, cookbooks, coffee table books, as well as out-of-print books.

How to create an account?

Go to β€œCreate Account” on the AbeBooks website and complete all the fields and create a strong password, then click β€œCreate Your AbeBooks Account”.

What’s the value of my book (and do you wish to buy it)?

AbeBooks does not provide book valuations and does not buy books either as they are an online marketplace for thousands of independent booksellers to list their books for sale.

How do I use a Coupon Code at AbeBooks?

The Love Discount Vouchers team spends countless hours collecting the best and most recent AbeBooks Coupon Codes. The Love Discount Vouchers team also lists how to use AbeBooks Coupon or Promo Codes. Read the content our team writes for more information.

AbeBooks Pros & Cons


  • Free shipping on selective items.
  • Secure payments.
  • Possible discounts on orders with multiple items.
  • Buybacks are accepted.


  • No buy now, pay later.
  • No online chat service.

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Similar brands Like AbeBooks To Shop At

  • Better World Books– A socially responsible bookstore with cheap new & used books at bargain prices.
  • Alibris– Alibris is a vibrant marketplace operating in the three fastest-growing areas of the worldwide media business: online sales, textbook rentals, and used/out-of-print books, music, and movies.

AbeBooks Contact Details

If you need to get in touch with AbeBooks about an order, an inquiry, or anything else there are a few ways you can do this.

Contact Seller

If you have a specific question about an order, AbeBooks recommends contacting the seller directly. Contact the bookseller directly by:

Select View My Purchases from within the My Account menu. Find the order in the list and click Contact Bookseller.

Booksellers are required to respond to inquiries within 2-working days. If you don’t receive a response by the third working day, please contact AbeBooks using the contact form at the bottom of the page (see image), and the AbeBooks Customer Support team will follow up with the bookseller on your behalf.

Facebook Messenger

You can contact AbeBooks on Facebook Messenger, and they will do their best to assist you.


If you have any other inquiries that are not related to the website or your order, you can write to AbeBooks at their address here at:

AbeBooks Inc. 5th Floor - 655 Tyee Road Victoria, BC V9A 6X5 Canada

AbeBooks Opening Hours

AbeBooks is an online marketplace that is open 24/7

You can contact the seller directly at any time of day, and they will respond within 2-working days. If you need to get in touch with AbeBooks, you can do so via their online contact form or social media. AbeBooks is committed to providing you with the most convenient and pleasant shopping experience.

Discover AbeBooks discount codes

AbeBooks is an e-marketplace for buyers and sellers and their passion for books. AbeBooks has offices in Canada and Germany with a team of diverse employees.

AbeBooks was established in 1996 and has focused on providing a reliable online platform for book lovers to discover all types of used, new and rare books, including fine art and collectables offered by trusted independent sellers from across the globe. AbeBooks is a subsidiary of Amazon.com, Inc. after being acquired in December 2008, and their business stretches around the world with six international sites. AbeBooks allows you to create a library filled with your favourite titles, authors, and genres, all from the comfort of your home. Anything with a page or many pages from decades ago to months ago are made available to you by the dedicated and diverse AbeBooks team that is socially responsible and is inclusive of all.

The AbeBooks legendary selection ranges from the earliest forms of books, documents, and music to the latest bestsellers with autographs and more.

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    AbeBooks FAQs
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    Jayme created helpful information
    AbeBooks FAQs
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    Shop for Art and Collectables
  13. Love Discount Vouchers Writer created helpful information
    AbeBooks Shipping & Delivery: What Do I Need To Know?
  14. Love Discount Vouchers Writer created helpful information
    AbeBooks Returns and Refunds: What Do I Need To Know?
  15. <strong>Jayme</strong>
    Jayme updated helpful information
    AbeBooks Pros & Cons
  16. <strong>Jayme</strong>
    Jayme created helpful information
    AbeBooks Pros & Cons
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    AbeBooks Contact Details
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    AbeBooks Opening Hours
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    Jayme updated helpful information
    How Do I Use My AbeBooks Voucher Code
  21. <strong>Jayme</strong>
    Jayme created helpful information
    How Do I Use My AbeBooks Voucher Code
  22. Love Discount Vouchers Writer created helpful information
    Extra Things You Need To Know About Using AbeBooks’s Promo Code
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    What Payment Methods Do AbeBooks Accept?
  24. Love Discount Vouchers Writer created helpful information
    Do AbeBooks Offer A Buy Now Pay Later Option?
  25. Love Discount Vouchers Writer created helpful information
    AbeBooks Money Saving Hints And Tips.
  26. Love Discount Vouchers Writer created helpful information
    Reasons To Shop At AbeBooks
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Find out more

  • How Do I Use My AbeBooks Voucher Code
  • Extra Things You Need To Know About Using AbeBooks’s Promo Code
  • What Payment Methods Do AbeBooks Accept?
  • Do AbeBooks Offer A Buy Now Pay Later Option?
  • AbeBooks Money Saving Hints And Tips.
  • Reasons To Shop At AbeBooks
  • Shop for Art and Collectables
  • AbeBooks Shipping & Delivery: What Do I Need To Know?
  • AbeBooks Returns and Refunds: What Do I Need To Know?
  • AbeBooks FAQs
  • AbeBooks Pros & Cons
  • Similar brands Like AbeBooks To Shop At
  • AbeBooks Contact Details
  • AbeBooks Opening Hours

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When shopping online at AbeBooks, it is a good idea to always visit us here at Love Discount Vouchers before you finish your order. The Love Discount Vouchers team save our visitors thousands of pounds every month. Some users never even knew AbeBooks discount codes were available until visiting our site. Now that you know how easy it is to save at AbeBooks with our promo and discount codes, bookmark or favourite AbeBooks above and always check us out before you checkout.

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