InformativeLDVโ€™s Top 5 Energy Saving Tips For Winter: How To Save Money On Heat

winter energy savings tips: Four banknotes and five coins resting on a table

energy saving tips for winter: A sticky note with 'need help?' written on it stuck on a stack of bills

Thanks to the newly implemented energy price cap, families around the UK are expected to save on heating costs this winter.

“Compared to last year’s rates, utility bills are expected to fall in price”, says our money-saving expert (Jessica Pinker).

But here at Love Discount Vouchers, we want to do more than just help you save a few hundred pounds. That’s why in this blog, weโ€™ve compiled a list of our top 5 winter energy savings tips that’ll teach you everything you need to know on how to save money on heat. Keep reading to learn the ins and outs of all the ways you can drastically reduce your utility bills with our energy-saving tips for winter.

In this guide, we will tell you:

  • Why draught-proofing is the most effective way to save energy
  • How showers can affect your energy costs
  • How charging your phone overnight is driving up your utility bill
  • How to make the most of the energy your appliances use
  • Why your boiler is using too much energy

1. Draught-Proof Your Home

It’s no secret that homes with little insulation use more energy to stay warm. Even the tiniest gaps in doors and windows can have a big impact on how well a building can maintain a constant temperature. That’s why it’s important to cover up these unwanted gaps, lest you want to run up your utility bill. According to the BBC “Draught-proofing is one of the cheapest and most effective ways to save energy.” There are a variety of ways you can draught-proof your home, including adding brush strips to the bottom of external doors, filling gaps between the skirting board & floor with sealant, using draught-proofing straps to cover the gap between external openings & their frames and covering keyholes & letterboxes with a cover. Alternatively, you can hire a professional draught-proofing service to insulate your home for you.

2. Take Shorter Showers

Taking a shower rather than a bath may help reduce your water usage but it can also drive up your energy bill. Showers are known as one of the biggest users of hot water in the home, but they also require energy to heat up water which can cost up to twice as much as the water bill. Luckily you can save tremendous energy and water simply by cutting your shower time by a minute. Try installing a timer to help you stick to a set shower time or invest in a water-efficient showerhead to help restrict how much water you use. We recommend checking out Plumbworldโ€™s selection of smart showerheads.

3. Turn Off Vampire Appliances

Vampire appliances are essentially electronic appliances that still consume power even when not in use. These include appliances such as TVs, desktops, coffee machines, kettles, washing machines and tumble dryers to name a few. Even charging mobile devices overnight falls within this category. In an article by the Express it’s reported that UK households could save ยฃ147 a year on energy alone if they were to simply unplug unused appliances. With this in mind, it’s a good idea to get into the habit of turning off appliances that are not in use at the socket and unplugging them. It’s also a good idea to unplug your mobile device’s charger once it is fully charged as this will help save energy and prolong its battery life. Alternatively, sensors can be bought and set to cut off power to appliances after a set time. We recommend taking a look at the affordable options available at Amazon.

4. Fill Up Your Appliances

Make the most of the energy your appliances use by filling them as much as possible. This applies particularly to washing machines and dishwashers as filling them up to three-quarters full can help reduce the number of loads needed and thus reduce the energy wasted. Fridges also follow this rule! A half-empty fridge uses unnecessary amounts of energy to keep its few contents cool. That’s why it’s recommended to keep your fridge as full as possible to help its energy efficiency. If your budget doesnโ€™t allow you to completely fill up your fridge, you can use water bottles or cardboard boxes as an alternative space-filler.

5. Turn Down The Temperature Of Your Boiler

This one may seem like a no-brainer but youโ€™d be surprised how many families across the UK have a boiler set to too high of a temperature. Most boilers are set between 65 - 75โ„ƒ as a default but this will only add massively to your utility bill rather than make your home warmer. The recommended temperature is 50โ„ƒ which could help you save up to 8% on gas. Additionally, you should also check your boilerโ€™s pressure to ensure it is within one to two bars. If not, it’s best to have a professional look at it.

Save With LDVโ€™s Winter Energy Savings Tips

how to save money on heat: Person writing on a notepad in front of their laptop

With Love Discount Vouchers’ winter energy savings tips, learning how to save money on heat is as easy as 1, 2, 3! In need of more energy-saving tips for winter? Check out our Average Household Bills Per Month blog for tips on how to manage your utility bills. Stay warm this winter without having to worry about the utility bills thanks to LDV!

Posted 9th October, 2023

Author: Jessica Pinker

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